ANT+ Heart Rate Grapher

by ANT+

Health & Fitness


Graphs heart rate from an ANT+ heart rate sensor for testing or simple display

The ANT+ Heart Rate Grapher displays heart rate data from ANT+ heart rate monitors in a simple graph. The data collection will also run in the background, so you can freely use other apps while still collecting data.We developed this app for doing demonstrations of ANT functionality on Android. Since there currently arent many apps with this functionality, we decided to release it on the Play Store to anybody who might find it useful. So, if you are reading this, we hope you find it useful!Disclaimer: This app is intended for demonstration/recreational purposes only and not for medical use.Officially supported heart rate devices are listed in our directory: Plugins ( Radio Service ( hardware support on your phone (see the description of the ANT Radio Service page for more info)Known Limitations:-Once recording is stopped, the graph will be cleared the next time the screen changes-Since the entire recording is shown on the screen at once, recording long periods of time will make it difficult to read the graph, may be slow, and really long sessions may crash the app.Attention Developers! Using the ANT+ plugins in your app to communicate with ANT+ devices is quick, easy, and free and uses a simplified API that doesnt require referencing technical documents or learning new protocols. Visit the ANT Android Developer page for more info and to download the SDK containing the source code for this open source application.To learn more about ANT+ visit send any questions to [email protected] modern UI-Added keep-screen-on feature-Now detects HR strap connection issues

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Doesn't work

Tony Graham

Doesn't work

James C

Does not work

Philip Rowley

Works well with Garmin devices.


Just crashes and goes back to Google Play.

Isabel Fabregas

great app i wish the rate in numbers was bigger and top central..

Diana Bota

I love the app

Daniel Fogle

Built for an earlier version of Android, needs updating.

Bryan Waddington

Works ok for Garmin HRM and Android 9.0. At rest it continuously flashes a warning about low heart rate, which is annoying. But the graph is good.

Brett Robinson

Out of date. Crashes constantly.

Grant Wiersum